Grand Harbor Community Outreach Awards Miss B’s Learning Bees Community Partner Grant

GHCOP Grant Awarded

Grand Harbor’s Community Outreach Program (GHCOP) has made a grant of $6,500 to Miss B’s Learning Bee’s (MBLB) to fund the cost of the tutoring program’s rental space at the Intergenerational Center in South Vero. Miss B’s Learning Bee’s is one of several organizations awarded grants through the outreach program’s competitive grant process.

In making the award, GHCOP said they support MBLB’s mission to assist children in reaching proficiencies in reading, math, and science. Miss B’s Learning Bee’s has provided free one-on-one afterschool tutoring in central Indian River County for more than 13 years. The non-profit organization has assisted more than 100 children from deep pockets of poverty in Indian River County to be successful and graduate from high school. Students who have struggled academically have gone on to excel in college and careers and contribute to their community.

While a variety of tutoring services are available county-wide, Miss B’s Learning Bee’s is the only program to help children achieve comprehensive proficiency in the areas of reading, math and science. The program gives children from deep pockets of poverty in Indian River County the opportunity to master the fundamental academic building blocks which allows them to be successful and break the chain of poverty.

The grant will cover the cost of space for the program to operate in the South County area at the Intergenerational Recreational Center (IRG). Since the families of children tutored are asset limited, income constrained, and employed, transportation is a barrier to receiving services. Renting space at IRG allows Miss B’s Learning Bee’s to reach and assist children in need in the South County.

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